Friday, March 1, 2013

McDonalds with no Burgers and Extra Fries, a Tale for Vegetarians and the like

Recently in government there have been spending cuts but the one of interest here is the spending cut on meat inspectors from the USDA. Not only is this illegal because all of your meat whether you knew it or not has to undergo meat inspection. The only people authorized to do this are federal meat inspectors. The billion dollar meat industry will have to get shut down because of this economic misconduct. The consumer will most definitely be denied the privilege of purchasing USDA approved meat. To make matters even more interesting there will be a sequestration of the meat products that don't get inspected. This matter is still pending and the actions have not been made final.

Don't get me wrong, despite it being lent and no meat on Fridays being the custom to follow. I cannot think of the world without cooked meat. Its almost close but a mere hyperbole to the American consumer a world devoid of oxygen. How are prices being affected? There is no concrete evidence on this. However unemployment sure is to follow, those inspectors have to be laid off and the processing plants have to be shut down.

There is an alternative to this, and that is to formulate imitation meat products from naturally occurring sources such as soy, and seaweed. Ever wondered how a steak made from soy proteins tastes like? Well it can be made all there is to it is to isolate the proteins in soy from the natural source via thermal processing and addition of acid to separate it from the gran. This is then centrifuged or in layman's spun around to separate the whey from the solid protein. The solid and the whey are separated and the solid part is curdled protein. To reform the protein addition of base is necessary to bring the protein structure back together. Steak can be made because the structure can be made in the lab and make the micro-filaments and fibers from the soy source. These can be woven and mimic the real thing. Coloring is added and the two meats look the same. Quality may be different but the flavors can be adjusted to taste like the real thing. Soy steak, yum. How about seaweed? Sounds like an alternative to me.

Now imagine yourself going to the store only to find empty meat aisles. Processed foods and perishable vegetables are at your disposal. How would this impact American dieting? Does this mean the end of the fast food giants for a temporary time or will they adapt and try some seaweed burgers?

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